The Painting in Penn Group
At the launch of the Painting In Penn Group during January 2003, 24 people expressed an interest which has now been converted into a membership of 120 spread over 4 classes.
The group has discovered that when watercolour
paints are used with imagination and skill, clear and spontaneous
effects which are impossible to achieve in any other medium
are attained.
The range of activities include paintings from guided projects,
holiday photographs, use of own drawings, still life, portraits,
flowers or abstract works through water colour, oil, acrylic
or gouache media with additional support being gained through
videos and demonstrations as well as visits to well known
local scenes of interest.
We have now established a partnership with Bantock House & Museum, to deliver customised workshops for the Penn Artists.
For more information about the Painting in Penn Group please
feel free to look through our Painting In Penn web-site and
enjoy some of the watercolour examples on display or contact